Rebirth and Self Care during ‘Rona
This is the first time ever…EVER…that I have worn braids to work. This and working from home has been my micro-wins during ‘Rona.
Nobody ever said that I couldn’t but I had not seen (or recall) any one else wearing them. The same thing goes for being dressed for work while on Zoom. This is some form of policing black bodies and hair that I didn’t even try to fight. Everything else seemed so much more important. I feel like I can show up more authentically me. It feels good too. Cue braids in a bun and summer dresses for team meetings…with a light beat of course.
I’ve always had an opinion, but between the hair and being in my space, I feel more willing to speak up. I’ve had a few conversations with colleagues, keeping the emotional labor to minimum. Those talks have been frank ones. In some cases, very eye opening for me and them.
Working in Consulting is the teaching ground for many and the birthplace for a few (relatively speaking). I’m feeling like I’m finally getting excited about this unplanned “pregnancy” and looking forward to the birth of something new and amazing. My life now mirrors my pregnancies; easy going at times and touch and go at others. Overall, I’m doing what I must which means prioritizing me. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Drinking half my body’s weight in water most days, IF 4–5x/week, meditation daily, bi weekly therapy and being with the family….this is the best birthplan!
Here’s to keeping this “happy” and wishing the same to my fellow moms, sisters, daughters and wives….and all of the other “hats” that we wear😊.
All the Best!